Thursday, July 1, 2021

Everything & Nothing Ep.1 Why I'm not making stuff on You Tube?


I haven;t post anything on English version of blog since few days. Honestly I was a little busy and lazy toghether. I've sriously thought about recording something to post on You Tube. I even downloaded and tried some software fot video editing and I even made a little audiovisual meme. Currently the number of views and watchers equals complete 0. I've got scene from the movie called UHF it's my reaction in a nutshell:

And I cannot believe I've met a blog where somebody who has over 50 watchers is complaining : '' Is someone reading this blog?'' Hehe! I have no watchers now but I don't give up and I'm posting the stuff.

But let's back to the main subject. I totally gave up with recording to You Tube when I've heard my voice on recording.. It was so awful! And GIF below show my reacation to my own voice in a nutshell: 




 I realized the You Tube channel is a bad idea and blog is an approporiate for me. Or It's maybebecause of old and low quality mic fault? However even the best equipment cannot imporove my weird voice. Of course I can change voice to completly diffrent with using a modern software but I will sound completly artifical....

Squadron 1/72 Ep.2 RWD-14 Czapla in a 1/72 scale.

At the start of this article I would to present a short history of this aircraft,.

The RWD-14 Czapla (Polish for Heron) was a Polish army cooperation/lialsion aircraft. According to interwar period Polish Air Force terminology it was called '' an accompanying aircraft''.  Polish Air Force needed a new aircraft of this type to replace Lublin R-XIII starting being obsolete. RWD-14 has a much better performance than Lublin R-XIII but it was designed as temporary solution durning when the new LWS-3 Mewa was under development. RWD-14 performance was still to weak  for a battlefield standards.First prototype was built and performed maiden flight in 1936 . It was build serially in 1938-1939 years. Because of being temporary stop-gap fill just 65 pieces were constructed and Polish Air Force started to order a newer LWS-3 Mewa (Polish for: Seagull) planes. Before September 1939 onlu a few LWS-3 were delivered and operational. In fact RWD-14 was designed not only as an army cooperation aircraft but also as STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) and had a folded wings. RWD-14 were used in combat in 1939 year. Approx 49-51 aircrafts performed combat flights ,35 of them were lost in combat and another 11-14 aircrafts were evacuated to Romania. A single pieces were captured by German and Soviet troops. Few ex-Polish planes were used by Romanian Forces.




Specifications - RWD-14B :

  • Powerplant: 1x PZL G-1620B Mors air-cooled radial pistion engine
  • Leghth: 9 m (29,6 ft)
  • Wingspan : 11.9m ( 39,1 ft)
  • Height : 3m ( 9,10 ft)
  • Max speed : 247 km/h (153 mph , 133 kt)
  • Range : 675 km (419 mi , 364 nmi)
  • Service celling : 5100 m (16 700 ft) 
  • Armament : 1x fixed ( operated by observer)7,92 mm wz.33 machine gun or 1x fixed VickersK  7,7 mm machine gun 



Now let's talk about my model of this plane. I made my model for old ZTS Plastyk moulds packed in Mirage Hobby . I don't reccomend this kit for a fresh and unexperienced model builiders. Some oryginal parts in this kit are completly usless because of completly worn out moulds. Some parts I had to craft by myself. And I had to use a lot of  Tamyia putty and sanding paper to clear parts from excess of plastic (called a flash). I added a crew figurines and machine gun (it comes from old PZL.37 bomber model)  from my modelling junk . Build this thing was a real challenge but I made it. And you can see a results of my work on the pics. Enjoy!


Saturday, June 19, 2021

A litmit has been reached !

 The limit of statements, talks, videos , memes , etc. about Polish nationa football aka soccer team has been completly reached! I've got enough this stuff! I don't care about group stage on EURO 2020. Tonight I'm gonna to have some fun with painting my RWD-14 Czapla (Polish: Heron) model of Polish recon plane in 1/72 scale. I don't wanna to cotribute to all of these stuff about Polish National Team. However It doesn't mean I'm not a sport fan. I like to watch any sport from time to time but exxeragation is always unhelathly - espacially mentally :P 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Squadron 1/72 Ep.1 PZL.37 Łoś in 1/72 scale

 Welcome again!

One of the classic Polish aircrafts clearly is PZL.37 Łoś (Polish : Moose) It was one of the best medium bomber of it's class. Construction was desigend by Jerzy Dąbrowski. In the 1930's Polish Army including the Air Force seriously thought about modernisation of equipment. And additional reason was the growing threat like USSR and Third Reich. The first prootype flight had place in the end of 1936 year. In 1937 stared the regular production. Production was continued to September 1939. It was a most modern aircraft produced in Poland befote a World War 2 outbreak. Until the September 1939 96 pieces were build and 9 were crahsed in accidents. During the Polish Campaign 40 of them served in the Bomber Brigade and 37 bombers served in the training units.Pilots flying the PZL.37 bombers performed the combat flights and bombed the German armoured troops near the Częstochowa , Radomsko, Pułtusk and Różano. Their most devastating bombing the regiment SS Germania and they made a serious loses to them. However the combat flights were very limited and with serious losses because of huge Luftwaffe numerous and technical advantage and strong anti-aircraft fire from the ground.  After the fall of Poland 23 surviving planes were evacuated to Romania , 2 landed on USSR occupied territory , 2 were captured by the Germans. One piece captured by Nazi Germany got the Luftwaffe markings and was showed in Wien on the ''Victory in The East'' Nazi propaganda display. It was tested in Luftwaffe research facility in Rechlin and was crashed killing the pilot. Aircraft evacuated to Romania were taken by Romanian authorities and Royal Romanian Air Force were equipped in ex-Polish PZL.37's. Except the Romanian markings they carried tactical numbers from 201 to 220. When the Romania joined Axis and was involved in war against Soviet Union the bombers were used in bombing raids to Odessa.  Later they were withdrawn and moved to training duties. Because of lack of reinforcments they were again used in combat. In 1944 the last airplanes were destroyed by Hungarian partisans on the ground.  No one unit survived until today...


Technical data of PZL.37B:

  • Length : 12,92 m (42 ft 5 in)Wingspan : 17,93 m (58 ft 10 in)
  • Height: 4,25m (16 ft 9 in)
  • Max speed :412 km/h  (256 mph, 222 kn)
  • Service celling : 9250 m  (23,000 ft)
  • Max operational  range : 1000 km (620 mi, 540 nmi)
  • Armament : 3x wz.37 7,92 mm maschine guns and 2580 kg(5,690 lb) max bombs loadout..
  • Powerplant : Two PZL Bristol Pegasus XX radial piston engines 970 hp each




 I would to show my PZL.37 Łoś model in a 1/72 scale. I used to build a few of them before. They were made from an old ZTS Plastyk kit.Almost there is no here in Poland the model builder who didn't made one of them ;)   The moulds of this kit were too worn after the over 30 years in production. Fortunatetly it was relased a completly new model kit from Polish comapny IBG Models! 

Model is nicely detailed and building is really enjoyable and you need a really small ammoount of model putty. Finally the offer of Polish birds in 1/72 scale is being nicely refreshed!





Monday, June 14, 2021

Wildcat Gaming [01] Detroit Become Human


It's an forst post about the video games I've played and I want to reccomend for you ( If you're gamer too). My preffered gaming platform is a PlayStation 4 and I'm playing the video games from time to time.

From a long time I wanted to play Detroit Become Human game. I felt encouraged to play this game and story when I was watching the playtrough made by... Polish Dominican Friar Adam Szustak OP. Yes! You're hearing right! Adam Szustak OP is very know on the Polish and Catholic You Tube part. And he's got a lot of extremly good or bad opinions about his activity on You Tube.( Maybe I will write something about him in the other post). He's got idea to make some let's play videos to evangelize some younger people. This series is called Ksiądz Gra w Grę ( Polish : A Priest plays video games)  The forst game he played in this series was an Uncharted 4 (it's one of my favorite video games too) walktrough with his commentary. The second game he was playing in this series was Detroit L Become Human and I was really interested in story showed in this production...

Action tooks place in the near future in the City Of Detroit in USA  Humanoidal Androids are almost perfect  workers and replaced humans in almost every work. Because of androids so many people have lost heir jobs and a big part of society is prejudiced for androids or hates them.




They aren't tired and the always obey the orders . Some day androids started to ... feel emotions. At the begining their emotions are recieved just a program failure and they called ''the deviants''. In this game we are playing as three characters and we follow the story from their point of view...

- Connor : It's android sent to investigate every crime where androids were involved. He's working with Hank Aderson who is prejudiced for Androids.

- Kara - Is an android designed to housekeeping. Her owner Todd uses violence against her and his daughter Alice. In the begining they are escaping from him...

- Markus- He's android who's hepling to older and seriously sick artist Carl Manfred. Carl is treating the Markus alomst like his son.

Through the story we have to make a lot of difficult and not so easy 

choices! The plot can lead into the two complelty diffrent ways and ending! For example I had a big dilemma how to solve Androids problems as Markus. Fight for their rights in peacefull or agressive way. I choosed the peacefull solution in the final chapters of story. Peacefull way is really close to Christian values. Because of curiosty I've palyed this cahpter once and I've choosen a uprising and agressive way but I wasn't proud of yourself. Too many humans and androids died then... And I honestly think it doesn't match for Markus personality.

Altough it's a sci-fi video game about androids it touches a seriously things. Whole story has touched my heart. It's a game about relations  and choices about love , fight , friendship. This game looks a really cool and epic and it's filled often with quick time events sequences. The dubbing in my native language in Polish is nicely made too. For Me It's a game about seeking own personality and humanity. Honestly I think the modern  video games brach should be recognized as part of art and culture as well like books , movies , music etc...

Something about my model building.

 One of my most important and biggest hobbies are scale models. I'm especially interested in models of airplanes from World War II period in 1/72 scale. My inspiration to be interested in aviation and models was a principal at school who was a real aviation lover and He often showed to class his models and then I fell in love with aviation stuff. Honestly I hate to back to school in my memories and the school period was preett cruel for Me beacaus of my illness. But get back to the proper subject. My first ever model I build when I was 13 years old and I was intrested in general subject of planes and aviation. I made a some little experiments with methods how to paint models. I didn't had acces to internet them and I've herad ''legends'' about the model paints. I wasliving in a small town so I didn't know about special hobby shops and I had a little knowledge then...

I used to buy model kits in the shops with toys. Most of these model kits were poor quality. Frames with parts were too worn and They were simply reboxed old moulds from 1970's -1980's and I even thought the model building is a awful hobby because I haven't seen better model kits then... I was buildng models with some breaks.

Since October 2007 I have acces to Internet and I've discovered online shops with model kits and various materials needed to finish them.

It's a really long story how long I've learned about building models. Now I can buy the model kits ,use the tools  and paints about I didn't even dream then !



Some of my current collection..


Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Indroduction



Welcome whatever who are you! I decided to make a blog in English language. I realize my English isn't so perfect but I hope you will understand what I wrote. Of course I'm not using ''English is not my native langauage'' as an excuse  for my English skills lack.. I'm still learning and I try to imporove my English skills. 

I'm a Polish guy living in Poland. I have an Aspergers Syndrome. I'm the guy loving Poland my homeland and deeply believing Christian Catholic. Sometimes I often fight with my weakness inside my soul and I realize I'm not perfect and I believe I can beat my weakness with God's help and His grace..

I'm interested in building scale models of WW 2 planes in a 1/72 scale. I like from time to time read some books realted with my interests. My other interests and hobbies are : ornithology, some subjects about the history, some books , movies , playing video games and a other stuff I would to mention soon on my blog..

I've decided to open my blog to share some of my interests and views..

God Bless & Always Take Care! Enjoy the reading my blog!

Tomasz aka AspieWildcat..

Everything & Nothing Ep.1 Why I'm not making stuff on You Tube?

 Well... I haven;t post anything on English version of blog since few days. Honestly I was a little busy and lazy toghether. I've srious...