Monday, June 14, 2021

Wildcat Gaming [01] Detroit Become Human


It's an forst post about the video games I've played and I want to reccomend for you ( If you're gamer too). My preffered gaming platform is a PlayStation 4 and I'm playing the video games from time to time.

From a long time I wanted to play Detroit Become Human game. I felt encouraged to play this game and story when I was watching the playtrough made by... Polish Dominican Friar Adam Szustak OP. Yes! You're hearing right! Adam Szustak OP is very know on the Polish and Catholic You Tube part. And he's got a lot of extremly good or bad opinions about his activity on You Tube.( Maybe I will write something about him in the other post). He's got idea to make some let's play videos to evangelize some younger people. This series is called Ksiądz Gra w Grę ( Polish : A Priest plays video games)  The forst game he played in this series was an Uncharted 4 (it's one of my favorite video games too) walktrough with his commentary. The second game he was playing in this series was Detroit L Become Human and I was really interested in story showed in this production...

Action tooks place in the near future in the City Of Detroit in USA  Humanoidal Androids are almost perfect  workers and replaced humans in almost every work. Because of androids so many people have lost heir jobs and a big part of society is prejudiced for androids or hates them.




They aren't tired and the always obey the orders . Some day androids started to ... feel emotions. At the begining their emotions are recieved just a program failure and they called ''the deviants''. In this game we are playing as three characters and we follow the story from their point of view...

- Connor : It's android sent to investigate every crime where androids were involved. He's working with Hank Aderson who is prejudiced for Androids.

- Kara - Is an android designed to housekeeping. Her owner Todd uses violence against her and his daughter Alice. In the begining they are escaping from him...

- Markus- He's android who's hepling to older and seriously sick artist Carl Manfred. Carl is treating the Markus alomst like his son.

Through the story we have to make a lot of difficult and not so easy 

choices! The plot can lead into the two complelty diffrent ways and ending! For example I had a big dilemma how to solve Androids problems as Markus. Fight for their rights in peacefull or agressive way. I choosed the peacefull solution in the final chapters of story. Peacefull way is really close to Christian values. Because of curiosty I've palyed this cahpter once and I've choosen a uprising and agressive way but I wasn't proud of yourself. Too many humans and androids died then... And I honestly think it doesn't match for Markus personality.

Altough it's a sci-fi video game about androids it touches a seriously things. Whole story has touched my heart. It's a game about relations  and choices about love , fight , friendship. This game looks a really cool and epic and it's filled often with quick time events sequences. The dubbing in my native language in Polish is nicely made too. For Me It's a game about seeking own personality and humanity. Honestly I think the modern  video games brach should be recognized as part of art and culture as well like books , movies , music etc...

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